Wednesday 11 September 2013

Tactical Squad Epsilon

   After a five year hiatus arising from new hobbies and a more active social life, I've decided to get back to work on Warhammer 40k, in part due to being a poor uni student and not having enough money to do much else for now, and in part due to the pang of nostalgia I felt when I walked into a Games Workshop this Summer for the first time since I was 16. I guess I'm no longer going through the stage of life where I'm more worried about what people think of my hobbies than doing what I want.

   Hopefully this time, I'll be able to keep it up. So far, so good, though, as I've spent the last week or two working on the Tactical Squad that have been gathering dust for so long.

   So, here is the first squad I've ever completed: Squad Epsilon of the Ultramarines 3rd Company, armed with flamer and heavy bolter.

   The keen-eyed among you might notice that there are only nine marines in the squad as opposed to the usual ten. There is a tenth marine, but he's a shoddily painted dude I've inherited from someone else who I happen to think will look good in this squad when painted up properly, and he'll be instated as a full Epsilon member when I start stripping the paint off him and other models I've inherited that I want to add to my army.

   And I'm not finished there! In the past few weeks, I've painted more than at any other point in my life! Tactical Squad Delta are primed, basecoated and I'm now working on the highlighting. Here's a WIP photo of my progress:

Courage and Honour!
- Jon.

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