Sunday 8 November 2015

Scout Snipers

I completed these snipers back in August in honour of their sterling work in my first 40k game at my local GW store, or rather, at the Warhammer store as it's now known, and their subsequent badassery in a number of other games I've played, serving to pick off special weapons from enemy infantry and taking a not inconsiderable number of wounds from enemy HQ units.

The pictures are neither great, nor particularly numerous, and I'll probably get round to taking more at some point for a future post. However, I'm conscious of the fact that I haven't posted in a while, so I figured it was best to just get them uploaded before I forget again.

I decided to replace some of the sniper heads with some Tempestus Scions helmets, as I'm not particularly keen on the vaguely constipated expression that scout models tend to wear. I'm quite happy with the way they turned out - the helms do look quite 'snipery' and don't look out of place on the scout models.

The scions were a boxed set I ended up buying with the money I mentioned in my previous post. I also opted for a box of the new Devastators, Sternguard veterans, a Deathwatch upgrade kit, Chaplain Cassius, Space Hulk (Those Blood Angels will make some mean nid-bashing Ultramarines), an Eversor assassin, some beautiful resin bases from Secret Weapon, and a number of other bits and bobs that I'll largely be using to put together a Deathwatch Kill-Team.

In addition, I purchased the Space Marine codex, given my recent forays into the gaming side of the hobby, which I'm greatly enjoying. Having become accustomed with some of the new rules, units and formations since the 4th edition (which I last played, with friends, on the living room floor of my parents' house - Those were the days!), I have a bit more idea about the direction I want to take my army. As a result, I'll be aiming to put together a Demi-Company over the coming months, since I already have two tactical squads, a dreadnought and a captain (Although I think Cassius will take up the DC HQ slot, leaving Invictus to fill out a command auxiliary slot, thus forming a Gladius Strike Force).

With that in mind, units like scouts will be put on the backburner and I'll focus on painting up my Assault Squad, followed by a third tactical squad, my new Devastators, and Chaplain Cassius. In addition, I'm fixing to start work on assembling the Deathwatch team, which I plan on using as a counts as Crimson Fists detachment made up of a Sternguard squad and Pedro Kantor, though the Demi-Company is my main project.

Courage and Honour!