Wednesday 28 May 2008


I'm really quite bad at this whole blogging business aren't I? It's been over a month and I haven't posted any updates. The bolter marine I mentioned in the previous post has been finished for quite a while and I'm about halfway/two thirds of the way through the flamer marine. However, my trusty fine detail brush is a little too fine for my liking (i.e. it's only got one bristle left), so flamer will have to wait before I can proceed with any fiddly details. As well as that, my files have been sucked into the warp so I can't properly begin work on a new marine. It seems the Ruinous Powers have cursed my endeavours! I'll remain strong though and I've started work on one of the more craptastically posed marines of Squad Epsilon so I don't really mind if he's covered in mould lines.

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